It has been three years since the Clone Wars began. Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker rescue Chancellor Palpatine from the clutches of Count Dooku and General Grievous the commander of the droid armies. Despite rescuing the Chancellor, Grievous escapes. Suspicions are raised within the Jedi Council concerning Palpatine, with whom Anakin has formed a bond. Asked to spy on the chancellor and full of bitterness toward the Jedi Council, Anakin begins questioning the council and the Jedi. Especially since he can't seek their help with his constant visions of his secret wife, Padmé, dying. Now, with a hunt for Grievous, hoping to end the Separatist armies, the Clone Wars could very well be nearing its end. All I can say about this film is it is my most beloved movie in the saga and easily the best Star Wars film ever made, definitely tied with Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980), The special effects used in this film have outdone the previous films dramatically and even rival that of products today. There are countless breathtaking visuals from the largest to the most insignificant of assets, it all looks as if it were done recently. Just the opening sequence alone is the best piece of Star Wars content out there, which sets up the movie perfectly. It begins with a gigantic space battle with so much going on and I love all the attention put into it, even to the tiniest of details that make this world so intriguing. We also get to see Anakin and Obi-Wan flying in the battle, showing off Anakin's skills as a pilot, originally mentioned by Obi-Wan in the original movies, which bridged the gaps of the trilogies nicely. The two instantly seem more like friends than they had done in the previous film, growing closer over the conflict and war, becoming more like brothers. When they get aboard the ship, the banter and comedic quips between them only grow and are fantastic, always managing to bring a grin to my face. Not a single scene falls short at all. It's phenomenal. Revenge of the Sith has a 12A rating, which is extremely warranted considering the darker tone and brutality on display, with quite a lot of disturbing imagery and content. To put it lightly, this is a tragic film. If you haven't seen the original trilogy before these prequels, then definitely do so or this will spoil the biggest reveal in movie history for you. So skip past the red to avoid spoilers. *Spoilers* Anakin is left with no help from the Jedi with the nightmares of his wife's death since the Jedi cannot have relationships. Palpatine manipulates Anakin into the role of his new apprentice by offering him the path of the dark side to prevent death. Leading to the saddest part in the whole Star Wars saga. Order 66. This order was used on the clone army, forcing them to turn on their Jedi generals, who they had fought with for years, and gun them down in an instant, with no remorse. It is gut-wrenching. Especially seeing Yoda's reaction. Even Anakin goes to the temple and helps kill off the remaining Jedi. Two survivors, Yoda and Obi-Wan, each go to fight the two Sith as a final chance to end the evil. The final duels are some of the best-choreographed fights I have ever seen in movie history. No competition. The amount of work put in by both actors was unmatched. Not only was there such beautiful cinematography, with scenes of them clashing to the backdrop of rising lava and flames, but the time and skill that was present in this battle were just unbelievable. Combined with a reprisal of Duel of the Fates and Battle of the Heroes made for a heartwrenching, epic fight. If you love this film as much as I do, I highly recommend Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TV Series 2008-2020), which delved into the events set between this film and the previous, creating an even greater appreciation for the prequel era. Overall, every duel, planet, character, special effect, sound design, score and acting was perfect. This movie continues to blow me away every time and will forever remain a highlight in the series, which now moves onto the original trilogy. So if you want to continue the magnificent and exciting adventure return to Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) and as always, may the force be with you.

Director: George Lucas
Movie Trailer:
My DVD Copy:
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