Friday, June 3, 2022

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)

A rebel ship flees from a giant Imperial Star Destroyer, as it escapes with plans for a deadly weapon belonging to the Empire. Princess Leia leads the ship but is captured and held hostage by the villainous Darth Vader in the hopes to snuff out the rebellion. Just before capture, Leia puts the plans into the droid, R2-D2, who is accompanied by C-3P0. The two escape in a pod down to the planet below, Tatooine. Meanwhile, on the planet, Luke Skywalker finds the droids and takes them in. R2-D2 escapes to try and deliver the plans to an Obi-Wan Kenobi, who lives on the desert planet. Luke catches up to him and they find Obi-Wan under the alias of Ben Kenobi. The three of them set off to Mos Eisley spaceport, where they hire some smugglers to take the plans to the planet Alderaan. Han Solo, pilot of the Millennium Falcon and co-pilot Chewbacca takes them in the hopes of rescuing the beautiful princess and helping the Rebel Alliance restore peace and freedom to the galaxy. I absolutely adore Star Wars. I love the films so much that I don't even view them as movies, they are that special to me. Although later renamed Episode 4, this was the first ever Star Wars made and when released back in 1977 it was only known as Star Wars. Years later, Episodes 1, 2 and 3 were made, but I decided to review the saga in release order rather than timeline order. If you are a first-time viewer of the franchise then you must begin with the original trilogy, as this was how it was released and with major spoilers in the later 2 films, the best way to experience them is by starting here. A New Hope is a superb sci-fi movie and one of the best at that. It is so visually stunning and holds so much wonder and imagination, which is no wonder why it changed the world of cinema forever. With iconic elements like the lightsaber (the weapon of a Jedi Knight), the force (an energy field created by all living things, which gives the Jedi their power) and the droids like Astromechs (R2-D2). This film nails the science fiction look and not to mention the feel of another galaxy far, far away. Not only did it manage to perfect the look, but would go on to shape the look and feel of every sci-fi movie, show, and video game for years to come. It would inspire products of the same decade and ones to come. There are so many great actors in this film too, like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Cushing, Anthony Daniels and so many more. Even actors like James Earl Jones lend their vocals to create the phenomenal voice of Darth Vader, which is so recognisable and without it, he would not be the feared villain we all know. Some actors, like, for example, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher, were not very well known and not big names. However, every one of them delivered outstanding performances, which alongside the film's popularity, made them household names and led to many more projects/movie offers. The sound design is literally out of this world and brings this timeless film to life and is recognisable instantly they are so iconic. John Williams composed the music, which is nothing but fantastic, with so many memorable pieces that elevate every scene, like my favourite in this film: The Binary Sunset. It's just utter perfection. It's also an incredible feat to have composed for all the Star Wars saga films and his work brings so much emotion through these heartwarming pieces, making them all the more impactful. It wouldn't be a true space opera without the classical instruments evoking all the human emotions at every waking moment. Star Wars has had a massive impact on my life and I have nothing but praise for its creator and director, George Lucas, who brought the best franchise ever (in my opinion) to us all. Without it, the world of cinema would never have been the same. It has had so much influence over the years and continues to amaze and impress today. Overall, this is a must-watch and if you are a first-time watcher, start with this film and the original trilogy (4, 5 and 6 before 1, 2 and 3). A great movie and a magnificent franchise, which I will forever cherish. Check out the next film in the series: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and may the force be with you, always.

Runtime: 2h 1m
Director: George Lucas

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Movie Trailer:

My DVD Boxset:

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