A group of people in a small peaceful town named "Perfection" becomes aware of a strange creature, which is picking off people one by one. But what is this creature, and where is it? At the same time as these mysterious occurrences, a seismologist is working in the area, who detects unparalleled tremors in the ground, which is later revealed to be the creatures! With the creatures popping up at any given moment to take their next victim, the townfolk are trapped, with no way of escape... Tremors is an absolute classic that, not only delivers horrifying prospects and imagery but also plenty of comedic elements through its characters, dialogue and sequences that culminate into a phenomenal monster flick. Originally made and filmed in 1989, this film could be considered an 80s movie despite releasing in 1990. Much like Back to the Future Part III (1990), which was filmed back to back with its second part during the 80s but was then released in the 90s making it a production of both decades. Tremors is, however, technically considered a 90s movie, though I like to think of it as another fantastic 80s production, but what a film to start the decade, probably one of the best films released that year, in my opinion. One of the strangest aspects of the film has to be the poster. It displays a completely different monster from the one seen in the movie. The poster shows the critter with sharp teeth, which is nothing like the version used (seen below) that has snake-like appendages coming from its mouth. It was possibly done, as a means to mislead viewers, creating a bigger surprise for when the monster is eventually revealed. To be honest, I like that it throws you off making you think you know what is in store when in reality you have no idea. My favourite aspect of the film has to be the townsfolk, especially when it comes to our main duo: Valentine and Earl. The pair of them have such a great friendship and easily have the best banter in the whole film. Even when joined by Rhonda the three of them share such great chemistry and make a formidable team when it comes to outsmarting the critters and getting everyone else to safety. I just love all the quick quips that they share back and forth like - Earl: "Damn it, listen to me. I'm older and wiser." Valentine: "Yeah, well you're half right." which will always get a chuckle from me and there are plenty of them sprinkled throughout. Despite frequently joking and bickering, when they put their minds to it, especially with help from Rhonda, they are able to defeat all the critters and save the remaining townsfolk. I think, without a doubt, my favourite sequence of the movie is when one of the creatures attacks Burt and Heather Gummer's Rec Room. Little did that creature know it had crashed into the wrong room as the couple fight it off with their guns in hand. However, they quickly run out of ammo leading to the funniest shot in the picture when the camera quickly pans around to show an entire wall covered in guns, which they both start grabbing and unloading on the beast. It's such a ridiculously brilliant sequence that was built up and revealed perfectly. Just seeing the gun-loving couple get to use their entire arsenal of weapons to battle this unknown entity and actually kill this one was one of the funniest, yet badass scenes ever! Despite being a comedy, the film is also a horror and does have some horrifically brutal deaths. From people being pulled under the earth in their car whilst it fills up with dirt suffocating them, to people being dragged underground alive and eaten, this film doesn't shy away from some horrendous deaths and imagery. However, there is just enough of each element to balance it out making for some quality entertainment. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Tremors. It is a film you can sit back and relax to for a bit of that horror and suspense feeling whilst being full to the brim with comedy and some fantastic acting, action and effects. I would highly recommend checking out this phenomenal classic! It even makes perfect viewing for either Summer time or even Halloween. If you are looking for more entanglements with these unusual creatures, look up the sequel in Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996).

Director: Ron Underwood
Movie Trailer:
My DVD Copy:
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