The epic saga continues in this sequel to, Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977). Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia and Chewbacca face attacks from Imperial forces on their rebel base on the ice planet of Hoth. Han, Leia, Chewie and C-3P0 escape in the Millennium Falcon, whilst Luke and R2-D2 travel to the Dagobah system in search of Yoda (a Jedi Master) to help train him in the ways of the force. Only with his help can he master his abilities and survive when the dark side of the force beckons him into a confrontation with Darth Vader. The Millennium Falcon evades Imperial Star Destroyers as they close in on the escaping rebel heroes. This is my favourite of the three original trilogy films. It is not only one of my all-time favourite films in the entirety of Star Wars but also in terms of movie sequels. This is also just a fabulous sci-fi movie and has so many locations, which are so visually stunning and has that old science-fiction look. This is most definitely felt in Cloud City. From the beautiful white halls and the crimson-orange skies, the main setting of this location is just stunning. Also, the carbon-freezing chamber in the city has to be the best sci-fi movie location I've ever seen (in the image below) and one of the most iconic parts of the film. This is also such a big film, like the fact that it changed what it meant to spoil a movie. It had one of the biggest spoilers in movie history that left audiences in shock and still does to people who view it today. This is why to get that effect you must watch the original trilogy (Episodes 4, 5 and 6) before the prequel trilogy (1, 2 and 3) as it will not give you the shocking revelation. The prequels were made after and show the story before leading up to these events and sort of expect you to know this as 4, 5 and 6 came first but watching it the other way around in timeline order, it loses that shocking spoiler that is one of the greatest twists. I like that we get two adventures rolled into one with the main cast split as we follow two different perspectives with our favourite heroes, ending with them reuniting in the finale. We also get introduced to a new character, who becomes a part of the main cast of the trilogy as Lando (played by Billy Dee Williams), who is a fun addition to the group. There are also new characters introduced like Boba Fett, a bounty hunter who wears Mandalorian armour and flies his Slave 1 - Firespray. He is hired by the Empire to track Han Solo and the Falcon. Despite having few scenes, he grew popular amongst fans due to how cool he looked. John Williams brings even more life to the musical side of Star Wars in this film with amazing songs like Yoda's theme, which is so calming and magical, that you can't help but love. Alongside the superb score, we have some marvellous use of the sound design from the ships, and the blasters to the beautiful sound of the lightsabers, they are just as worthy of praise. Without them, the film would be sorely missing that futuristic aesthetic and not feel so alive. There are so many iconic lines and quotes in this film too, with some of the highlights being: Yoda's - "Do... or do not. There is no try." and Han's response to Leia - "I Know" are so memorable. Although George Lucas didn't direct this film, he did write the script and was present in its making. He delivered not only a classic and great Star Wars film but one of the best sci-fi films ever made. It is even one of the best movie sequels, which is up there with Aliens (1986) (for me). Both sequels took a perfect and enjoyable movie and managed to up them in every way, even more! Overall, this film is nothing but perfection and cannot be missed! It is an 80s sci-fi classic and is just an amalgamation of everything I love. It is so visually pleasing and aesthetic, has thrilling action, frightening villains, new characters added to the rebellion and new unusual planets. You also have so many amazing quotable lines that will stick with you forever. If you have never seen this one, stop what you are doing and go watch it. Even if you have already seen it, give it another look! Trust me and may the force be with you, always. Check out the final instalment to this fantastic trilogy in: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983).

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