Thursday, February 15, 2024

What a Carve Up! (1961)

Ernie's uncle, Gabriel Broughton, has just died, but to claim his inheritance he must spend the night in the ancestral home with the rest of his relatives. Before long, the guests begin to drop dead as it appears a murderer is in their midst. What a Carve Up! (also known as No Place Like Homicide!) is a true favourite of mine. It is one my family and I have watched countless times over the years, especially during the Halloween season. It is one of our comfort viewings due to its comedic side making it perfect family entertainment whilst still holding some sinister horror moments. We follow Ernie Broughton (Kenneth Connor) and his mate Syd Butler (Sidney James), who are thrown into this peculiar circumstance. Ernie has a job as a proofreader, checking over a novel before its publication and he tends to get the more terrifying stories that always put him on edge. This sets him up for the scaredy cat routine throughout the film as any little mishap, sound, or sight causes great fear during his stay at the mansion. His friend Syd, on the other hand, is not so easily spooked and much more easygoing, unlike his skittish partner. Both actors have appeared in movies together, mainly in the Carry On film series that both pre-dated and succeded this film, which incidentally almost feels like one of them. It is like a sort of spin-off in a way and also features plenty of other recognisable faces from those flicks. My dad has a great love for the Carry Ons, which naturally led to other films featuring the cast being discovered. I grew up watching all these types of movies, so they hold a special place for me as part of my childhood. The movie kicks off when a mysteriously creepy Mr Sloane arrives at their apartment with the information of Ernie's uncle's passing, subsequently inviting him to the reading of the will at the house. With the thought of a huge inheritance, Ernie is intrigued, yet frightened so he begs for Syd to join him. Making tracks, the pair undergo plenty of mishaps from Ernie seeing things to Syd's luggage being lost in a bog but they eventually arrive at the location. It is here where things really kick off with the door opening by itself to an eerily quiet lobby setting the tone. Both Syd and Ernie are very contrasting people and that only shows in their banter, which is an easy highlight. Syd always mocks Ernie's mannerisms, constantly joking about his fearful tendencies but whenever Ernie needs him or is in danger, Syd always looks out for him. I particularly love Syd's witty comments throughout the story for instance, mounted on the wall in the lobby is a moose head to which Syd says "He must have been going like a bomb when he hit that wall" and I laugh every time without fail. We are swiftly introduced to the Broughton family members Guy, Emily, Malcolm, Janet and Edward as well as the butler Fisk plus the pretty nurse, Linda, who looked after Gabriel. Ernie shows a fancy to Linda and constantly tries to impress her but tends to fail due to his frightful habits. The family spend a lot of time bickering and not getting along, which worsens when it is announced that Gabriel left nothing to any of them. Being unable to leave in the storm and the telephone line cut, everyone is forced to stay but it is here when people start dying and a murderer is obviously among them. Tensions rise and Ernie is a nervous wreck, especially since he is sleeping in the late master's bed (which he died in). Plenty of hijinks and shenanigans ensue with Ernie and Syd exploring the house, uncovering secret passageways across the estate. There are plenty of scares that are mostly experienced by Ernie but that is not without plenty of hilarious jokes too. As many of the family is killed the remaining members come face to face with the killer in a shocking revelation that is well worth the suspense. But will they all make it out alive? Overall, I adore this movie not only for its sentimental factors in my case but because it is all-around phenomenal. There is some outstandingly funny dialogue and banter, a superb story and an intriguing mystery. It is one of my favourite 'haunted' mansions, who dunnits and is one I always bring out during Halloween with the whole family. A must-see for some laid-back spooky fun.

Runtime: 1h 27m
Director: Pat Jackson
Genre: Comedy / Horror / Mystery

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