After a near-fatal car accident, smart, savvy, sharp-suited detective Sam Tyler is mysteriously transported back 33 years to 1973. Confused by his new surroundings, Sam tries to return to the present, but the police force of long ago needs his help. Life on Mars is undoubtedly one of the most captivating shows I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing in recent memory. I was instantly blown away by its vast rich stories that culminate into one overarching narrative, its style, loveable and engrossing characters and above all, its bizarre and intriguing mystery. We follow Sam Tyler, a DCI (Detective Chief Inspector) in the then-current year of 2006 who is deep in a case that slowly becomes quite personal for him. However, he's hit by a car, awakening to find himself in the 1970s with his outfit, car and surroundings drastically altering. Is Sam Tyler dreaming, in a coma, or has he travelled back in time? If so, how does he get home? Upon his transportation, I was immediately hooked as the now DI Tyler fumbled around in confusion to everything around him. This jarring experience is as confusing to us as to Sam and his constant search for answers or discoveries only further puzzles us. To make matters worse, Sam is frequently experiencing visions, voices and feelings that are linked to the 'real world'. From the TV characters talking to him, and the radios changing mid-song, Sam experiences many unusual interactions that only make him look mad in front of his peers. Whilst in this '73 setting, Sam continues his policing work, under vastly different methods led by the equal highlight of the series, DCI (Guv) Gene Hunt. Of all the characters in this program, Gene Hunt is arguably the most popular and my favourite of the team. His lines are unmatched with plenty of comebacks, sayings and mannerisms that make him truly loveable and utterly hilarious despite essentially being a terrible person. He doesn't shy away from breaking down doors, beating up suspects or arresting anyone who gets in his way whether they are innocent or not. Me and my family love to quote him in our day-to-day lives and would wait with anticipation for his next line. The contrasting relationship between the rugged style of Hunt and the modern-day, more practical side of Tyler makes for some fantastic viewing. They bicker and differ but at the be-all and end-all, they always do what's right in the end, overcoming any obstacle and sharing a bit of banter. The other members of Hunt's CID (Criminal Investigation Department) include Ray Carling, Chris Skelton, Annie Cartwright, Phyllis Dobbs and plenty of non-speaking background characters who are ever-present. Each character shows an unswerving loyalty to the Guv and some do come to care for Sam, looking up to him as a role model, although some don't (most especially Ray). Sam hits it off well with Annie though, who during the first season is a WPC and is usually overlooked by the others, however, Sam always places his confidence in her and the two share some sparks over the show's run. Annie grows exponentially over the second season as Sam puts her forward to be a DC and join the crew in their more prominent missions. Each episode told a unique story that would vastly vary from a hostage crisis, bomb scare, murder, conspiracies, undercover operations, etc. Sam, having his future knowledge, offers much insight in solving cases and even uncovering criminals because it has already happened by his time. During each exciting adventure, there would be a tie to Sam's struggle of wanting to return home with the world showing signs from his 2006 life. The finale of the second season is certainly one of the most tense storylines with the will or won't he get back and I'm not going to spoil it here but the ending is gripping television. Overall, Life on Mars is a phenomenal series that captures the setting of the 70s with full force, hurtling not only Sam but, us the viewer, into 'another world'. Everything looks magnificent across the board and the music choices are brilliant. This is a pinnacle must-see show. If you loved it, check out the sequel Ashes to Ashes (TV Series 2008-2010) for a trip to the 1980s following Alex Drake's experience.

Creators: Matthew Graham, Tony Jordan, Ashley Pharoah
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