Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The 'Burbs (1989)

When secretive new neighbours move in next door, suburbanite Ray Peterson and his friends let their paranoia get the best of them as they start to suspect the newcomers of evil doings and commence an investigation. But it's hardly how Ray, who much prefers to drink beer, read his newspaper, and watch a ballgame on the tube, expected to spend his vacation. The 'Burbs is certainly a well-cemented favourite of mine especially when it comes to the Halloween season where we bring it out for family viewing. The suburban setting brings this film an instant feeling of homeliness and tranquillity as the everyday rituals lead you into a sense of security that is instantly disrupted by the unkempt house of the mysterious Klopeks. Living beside this derelict anomaly is the overstressed Ray Peterson, played exceptionally by Tom Hanks, whose constant outbursts under the peculiar nature of the neighbour's goings on is a frequent highlight. Seeing him lose it on multiple occasions after being pressured by his dim-witted pal, Art, to unearth their strange actions is hilarious. Anytime he would snap at his fellow obsessed friends he'd go all out in some of the best derranged shouting of any movie. Ray alternates from being curious to trying simply to just relax, which is even more impossible with Art and Mark pulling him into this conspiracy of their cult-like behaviour. Plenty of peculiar things start occurring that raise the neighbour's suspicions like the loud noises during the night coming from the basement of the building that even bursts into a blinding light unexplainably. Ray notices three people out in the back garden digging, like gravediggers as Art describes it, to more unusual behaviour such as one night, one of the Klopeks drives out of the garage with no headlights on only to put the rubbish out, barely fitting in the trash can until hammered in with a shovel, only to reverse back inside. So many unexplainable actions further push the suburbanites to take matters into their own hands and uncover the truth. On the offensive is, of course, Ray who is pushed by Art whose infatuation with the matter and of the possible satanic/psychotic essence of the Klopeks. His fixation brings about great destruction and problems as the movie goes on however, some findings, like the femur bone of a human skeleton, dug up by Ray's dog in the Klopek's yard, prove him somewhat right in this line of thinking. Joining this search for the truth is military lover, Mark Rumsfield who takes a soldierly approach to this situation using radios, an infrared scope and a sniper rifle. Both Mark and Art offer some phenomenal comedy throughout the story with my favourite being the part when the two ask Ray to join them but his wife comes out and tells them no to which they act like children pleading for their friend to come out and play. I was chuckling with glee that only continued for the entirety of the feature. Occasionally joining them or simply watching from afar would be Ricky Butler, the youngster who is home alone and left with one simple chore, to paint the house, which practically never gets done even by the end of the film. He keeps inviting friends over to witness the wondrous events of the whole ordeal which makes it all the funnier as Mark tries to shun them away whilst they work. The Klopeks themselves give off a creepy vibe varying with each member from Hans' rugged attire and lack of vocalising to Ruben's short and snappy responses, quick to denounce whatever Mark throws at them and finally, The Doctor, Werner who seems the most calm and collective of the family yet the most chilling. I won't spoil the reveal of what is discovered about them for those who haven't seen the film, but it certainly doesn't play out the way you would expect. Overall, The 'Burbs is a spectacular 80s flick that manages to balance its mystery and comedy whilst making it outright silly, and serious at the same time. Especially that dream sequence of Ray's, which is so random and brilliant. Everyone involved looks like they are having a blast and delivering some outstanding performances. I highly recommend checking this one out, as it never fails to put a smile on my face and is perfect for the whole family.

Runtime: 1h 42m
Director: Joe Dante
Genre: Comedy / Mystery / Thriller

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Movie Trailer:

My DVD Copy:

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