Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

Picking up two years after the Egypt incident in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009), the Autobots and their human allies discover a lost piece of Cybertronian technology, which has been in human possession for several years. Its revealed that the artefact is part of an Autobot spacecraft which has crashed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon and carries a special technology and the legendary Sentinel Prime (Optimus Prime's old mentor). However, Sam discovers a conspiracy by the Decepticons who plot to use it for evil purposes. Optimus Prime finds that they are up against a menace who plans to use it to enslave humanity to restore Cybertron. Dark of the Moon is the third instalment in the live-action Transformer movie franchise and it delivers on some grand-scale conflicts matched with outstanding visual effects that continue the ongoing war raging on Earth between the Autobots and Decepticons. I enjoyed this film for multiple reasons and certainly had as much fun as I did with the previous two movies. We open with an interesting concept with the space race in the 60s when something strange crashes on the moon which hastens the journey to get there in what would become the Apollo 11 mission. It's an intriguing idea that the moon landing was done, with the sole purpose of uncovering an alien mystery and was kept secret from the world. After that sequence, we are brought back to the interconnecting stories of the humans with Sam and his new girlfriend, Carley and the Transformers. I was very sad to see that Megan Fox's character, Mikaela, wouldn't be returning, especially after all the two had been through together and how it could have rounded off their story perfectly had she been in it. However, Carley's character isn't that bad but nor is she that memorable so there are no issues really. Sam is much better in this film, in my opinion, with some true emotions on display which is great to see. One moment I really liked, was a scene of Autobots watching Star Trek (TV Series 1966-1969) where Spock goes crazy, which is a little bit of foreshadowing to later events of the film for one character, who eagle-eared viewers may hear the voice of Leonard Nimoy. The first two acts of this feature are easily the weakest. Seeing Sam try and get a job is not as exciting as a huge-scale war even though I admit there are some hilarious moments scattered here and there from many characters, but once we get to that third act, this film becomes phenomenal. Transformers 3 has a darker and grittier feel to it with quite a depressing tone for the end of this trilogy, however many people, including myself, actually love it for this reason. The final battle is in Chicago, which is an extremely climactic war that combines both practical effects with CGI to make for some outstanding action. I love how this film didn't rely completely on special effects and combined CGI with real-life stunts, which is what movie magic should be. Seeing soldiers use wingsuits to jump from helicopters into the decimated Chicago as helicopters crash around them was such an insane sequence and a true spectacle. My favourite moment was when a skyscraper begins collapsing in half and our characters have to jump out, sliding down the building only to break the windows to get back in where they started falling inside. It was easily the highlight of this feature and one I could watch repeatedly, the same goes for this entire battle. Whilst watching this conflict, I noticed how similar it was to the war in The Avengers (2012), and since this film came first perhaps this inspired it since there are similarities, notably a huge beam in the middle of the city going up into space and alien ships. We are also introduced to familiar characters like Shockwave who is pretty cool but doesn't do a great deal but look menacing. Overall, Dark of the Moon is a great end to this trilogy that is so much fun, mainly in the third act. It's much grittier than the other movies, especially more violent. Like super violent. Personally, I think it should have ended here but unfortunately, there's more and it goes downhill from here sadly. Check out the fourth film in Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014).

Runtime: 2h 34m
Director: Michael Bay
Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-fi

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