The year is 1936. An archaeology professor, Indiana Jones, is venturing into the jungles of South America, searching for a golden statue. Unfortunately, he sets off a deadly trap but miraculously escapes. Then, Jones hears from a museum curator named Marcus Brody about a biblical artefact called The Ark of the Covenant, which can hold the key to human existence. Jones has to venture to vast places such as Nepal and Egypt to find this artefact. However, he will have to fight his enemy Rene Belloq and a band of Nazis to reach it. Raiders of the Lost Ark is the first instalment in the phenomenal Indiana Jones franchise, which is one of the most impactful pieces of media in the vast collection of pop culture history. This film is a true masterpiece in every way possible. Everyone was at their best in each department from the directing of Spielberg, the magnificent score by legend John Williams, the special effects of ILM, the terrific costume designs and, of course, the stupendous acting of all the roles. We also can't forget George Lucas who created the idea for this, which he conceived whilst on a Hawaiian vacation with Spielberg to avoid the premiere of Star Wars (1977) in cinemas. Both of their love for action-adventure style movies of the 1930s/40s helped them to create a product based on their childhood shows that would go on to become timeless. I absolutely adore the Indy movies and this one imparticular. It is a perfect starting point that sees heaps of gritty action explode onto our screens, with some witty humour sprinkled throughout, which doesn't overshadow the overall story, especially the more serious moments. At its core, this film is good old-fashioned fun. This is the kind of entertainment that fills you with adrenaline during the high-stakes battles, grips you with its intricate and mysterious story and has you watching with bated breath as our heroes frequently must escape the many perils of the adventure. All these feelings are elevated by the magical score of John Williams, with his finest piece being the theme song that is instantly recognisable, even to those who haven't seen these films. His music also lends to some of the most iconic scenes that are widely known and regularly referenced in other media, even to this day. The most notable ones include Indy's escape from the Idol temple dodging booby traps, especially the giant boulder chase. His battle in the market square, which resulted in the most comedic moment during a 1v1 with a skilled swordsman. The retaking of the Ark from the Nazis whilst in moving cars and, last of all, the opening of the Ark, which has some of ILM's greatest effects on full display with some extremely disturbing imagery, and I loved it! Harrison Ford kills it as the artefacts hunter/school professor, Indiana Jones. His performance is outstanding being able to swap from playful and comedic to serious and determined. Indiana's look is equally iconic from the fedora hat to the leather jacket but most of all, his signature whip that gets him out of countless dire situations. Marion, played by Karen Allen, makes for an equally entertaining member of the cast, who aids in the mission and is very beautiful too. I love this style of adventure that sees the raiding of tombs and searching for a long-lost ancient MacGuffin, which is executed perfectly. The opening alone displays this type of aesthetic to a T with the surpassing of traps to get to the golden Idol and would only continue to be present with the search for the Ark of the Covenant with the many pieces to the puzzle to solve. The Ark itself makes for an interesting story with not only Indy looking for it, but the Nazis too who aim to use it as a weapon. Having the adventure set during WWII was a brilliant decision as I never get tired of Indy fighting Nazis in some brutal fashion. Overall, Raiders of the Lost Ark is the ipitome of a perfect movie. It's incredible to think just how exciting films used to be back in the day and how unfortunate today they are unable to match the pure delight of the magic of filmmaking. If there is anyone looking for a good old-fashioned adventure story, then look no further. Also, check out the next escapade in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984).

Director: Steven Spielberg
Movie Trailer:
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